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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Put An End To Photo Tag Spammers!

I'm sure you are all sick of having to remove your name from BS photo tags on a daily basis (Just like I am) and something NEEDS to be done about it! For the time being all you can do is remove your name, report the page doing the spamming and move on with your day.. Which I definitely recommend doing, the more people that report the pages, the quicker they will get shut down. Don't just remove your name, they'll just add it again later!

Well Obviously Facebook doesn't get it and needs our help in persuading them to make a change to this flawed system! Right now there is no way to disable other users from tagging you in photos, all you can do is have it so people can't share your tagged photos and set it so it doesn't recommend your name in the tagging system. But they can still manually enter it. Now disabling those options does reduce the amount of photo spam you get, but definitely doesn't eliminate it! So let's make facebook do something about it!!

Join The Cause and spread the word! For the sake of all of us!!

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