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Saturday, March 19, 2011

How To Create Energy Links!

Well there's easy ways to create free gift links and I'm sure a lot of you would like to do the same for your energy packs and now the mini-packs. This process will work for any item with the blue facebook send button! So keep that in mind.

So here's the process, once you get the hang of it, it really isn't that hard. You need to be using Chrome to be able to do this, or have the firebug addon for firefox.

  • Click the ask button (Or Send button for normal Energy Packs)

  • When the window to select your friends comes up, right click on the button and click Inspect Element

  • This will load on the bottom of the screen after clicking inspect element

  • You just need to scroll up a little to find the necessary code, or you can search for your name and you will see the code that follows
(The code always follows the code <fb:req-choice url=' and stops before the second apostrophe)

I pasted this into notepad to verify the copy

  • Go to bit.ly or some other URL shortening service and shorten the URL

  • Then go share your new link wherever you choose, I prefer to share it with a picture so it gets more attention =)

It acts just like a free gift for the recipient who clicks your link

Here is the code for the regular Energy Pack

Hope this helps you out and you can get all the energy packs and whatever else you need!


  1. you dont have to have Firebug to find your link in Firefox
    in the pop-up window where you select your friends, just right click in the upper left corner, click: This frame/view frame source. A new window open with a lot of code . use CTRL+F to open the searh bar in the bottom. paste this to your searchbar:
    <fb:req-choice url='
    now you will find a green mark in the code .the line AFTER the green mark is your link you have to copy all there is between the 2 '
    starting with the http://apps.... ending with creative=1
    like this :
    now you just paste the line into TinyUrl, Bit ly or what you prefer

  2. come faccio ad aggiungere anche l immagine

  3. Link-a-Nator from spockholm does it for you as well. Shows it in the General Links section.

  4. thank you Hvedeknoppen, you are correct. It's just easier for some to do it this way. And I have had numerous issues trying it that way myself. Sometimes it loads the frame information (more than just sometimes actually) and you can't see the code at all. That's why it's easier this way.

    in firefox you can highlight the button in the window by dragging your cursor over it and then right click and say view selection source, that seems to have better luck bringing up the correct code, but still is a bit trickier than this way :)



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