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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Zynga Has Automated Account Suspensions!!

It appears that Zynga has further enhanced their automated suspension system. As I stated the other day they seem to have switched over their support system and this new suspension activity seems to tie in with that switch. They have now delegated more control of account management over to their automated systems. (The machines are taking over!! Run!!) This is not good for people who enjoy the use scripts and bookmarklets. Their automated system is apparently looking for abnormal or inhuman like activity which can range from doing multiple tasks simultaneously to the rate at which you are able to complete said tasks,obviously it takes longer than ZERO seconds for a page to load and for you to react to it!

Read the full article and how to prevent your account from being in danger here.

1 comment:

  1. I don't use bookmarklets, per se, just the Chrome add-on-which is pretty light weight compared to, say, the Spockhom tools, but thanks for the heads up Captain :)



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